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Russ Clodfelter Ministries

The Real Christmas Story

Russ preaches a special Christmas Eve message from the steps of Shady Grove Methodist Church in Winston-Salem. In this time when this world puts its faith in science, We can have faith and trust in the greatest gift ever given: Jesus Christ, the author of our salvation.

Take Courage

When we lose our focus on Christ, the worries of this life can cause us to sink in doubt and despair. Let us, like Peter, lift up a cry to God and reach out for His hand. Then and only then can we become fearless.

Unite For Revival

Nehemiah brought Israel together by rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and uniting the culture around the Word of God. We can do the same things today by reunited ourselves, our families, our churches, and our country around reading the Bible and spending time in prayer.

Choose To Serve The Lord

Let us daily choose to serve God and put Him first in all aspects of our lives. When things of this world start to overshadow the things of God, let us reaffirm our commitment to put away false idols and serve the living god.